Save Fraser Island Dingoes Inc.

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SAVE FRASER ISLAND DINGOES INC. was formed in 2009 as a result of numerous complaints regarding the inhumane and cruel treatment witnessed by many residents and visitors, we became the eyes and ears of the Island, reporting our findings to the media, the public, researchers and scientists. We are working with experts in dingo/wildlife management within Australia and overseas, our aim is to change current management practices by lobbying government, promoting public awareness and assisting with research and education.

Our present goal is to have the Fraser Island Dingo Management Strategy peer reviewed by independent researchers and scientists. Stop the ear-tagging of puppies. Stop the cruel practice of hazing and impose a moratorium on destroying animals to give the dingo population a chance to stabilise and have their social structure restored.

We intend to maintain pressure on the government and Qld. National Parks until policy changes are made and we intend to prevent the demise of the Fraser Island Dingo, an Iconic species that deserves to live a dignified life on their Island home.

Non-profit organization